Candor Connect

Putting The 5S Techniques To Work

October 03, 2019   \\\   Posted By CandorTechSpace

Putting The 5S Techniques To Work Safe work area

Candor TechSpace has initiated the integration of 5S practices into its business functions and organisational culture. The goal is to achieve operational excellence.

Global economic challenges have meant that more and more organisations today are focusing on improving their services and operations through adoption of best practices. One of the best ways to achieve operational excellence is to follow the 5S management techniques. The 5S stands for five Japanese words: Seri (sort), Seiton (set in order), Seiso (shine), Seiketsu (standardise) and Shitsuke (sustain). The techniques aim at instilling in the employees a sense of disciplined work culture which rests on the logic that cleanliness, orderliness and discipline at work are basic requirements for delivering high-quality products and services, with little or no waste and with high productivity.

Many leading organisations have adopted the 5S management techniques, whose implementation has improved internal efficiency, ensured operational effectiveness and consequently led to higher productivity, occupational safety and on-time delivery system—much to the delight of both employees and customers. Candor TechSpace too has initiated to integrate 5S practices into its business functions and organisational culture. The goal is to improve operations, facilities and operations. Another important objective is to increase awareness and instil positive attitudes towards orderliness and discipline among employees across its campuses.

Candor has appointed a 5S Committee to ensure that its campuses are continuously developing and improving through 5S activity implementation and that the participation from employees at all levels is promoted. The committee has a Head-of-Property Manager and an Estate Manager while its other members are representatives from all work disciplines—Fire Manager, HK Manager, Security Manager and Building Manager.

The 5S process is designed to organise the workplace, keep it clean and maintain effective and standard work conditions.


Here is a brief look at what the 5S techniques entail:

This means distinguishing or sorting out between wanted and unwanted items at the place of work as well as the removal of unwanted items.

This means arranging items in such a manner that they are easy to use. It involves labelling the items so that they are easy to find and put back in place.

This means removing dirt, stains, filth, soot and dust from the work area.

This calls for systematising the aforementioned practices. It means ensuring that whatever cleanliness and orderliness is achieved through the other 5S techniques is maintained. The purpose of standardisation is also to make sure that everyone follows the same procedure.

This means to maintain orderliness and to practice the first three 5S techniques as a way of life.

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