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How to Drive Safely this Monsoon?

February 20, 2020   \\\   Posted By CandorTechSpace

How to Drive Safely this Monsoon?

Given the rains outside, it is safe to say we are in the thick of the monsoon season for this year. This means you have a whole lot more to deal with when you take your two-wheeler or car out for a ride. Here are tips to get you safely through your monsoon driving.

Do not get distracted
Hold the steering wheel of your car or handles of your two-wheeler with both hands while driving on wet roads. So, avoid distractions like talking on your smartphone, even if it is wirelessly using Bluetooth. Instead, use the rear-view mirror to keep an eye on the traffic behind you.

Keep the headlights on
Visibility is reduced during rainy season, especially in heavy downpour, and you may face a lot of difficulty in noticing vehicles coming your way. Therefore, turn on the headlights, even during the day, to improve visibility both for you as well as the oncoming traffic.

Avoid sudden vehicular movement
Wet roads in the rains give low traction to the tyres of your car or two-wheeler, so avoid any sudden actions on the vehicle, such as accelerating it aggressively or applying the brakes hard. Otherwise, you may overwhelm the traction of the tyres and have an accident on the road.

Maintain a safe distance
The rain mixes with the mud, oil and muck on the roads to make them slippery, thereby increasing the chances of a vehicle skidding during any emergency braking. But if you stay at least 10-15 metres away from the vehicle in front, you have sufficient distance to bring your vehicle to a stop in case of any untoward incident.

Drive within speed limit
Driving at high speeds in a downpour could lead to your car aquaplaning—that occurs when a thin film of water builds up between the tires and road so that there is little or no contact with the road. The safest option in heavy rains therefore is to drive within the speed limit. 

 Stay away from potholes and flooded roads
Come monsoons, the condition of roads worsens and deep potholes can cause you distress by damaging your vehicle’s wheels or even suspension components. Also, driving through flooded roads can cause your vehicle to stall as water might creep into the engine. Therefore, avoid driving over potholes and waterlogged roads.

Opt for rain repellent products
Use any kind of water or rain repellent products on the windshield, windows and mirrors of your car or the mirrors of your two-wheeler and helmet visor. This will result in less accumulation of water on the glass, thereby improving your visibility on the road.

Speed thrills, but kills

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